Today was a breezy, but warm day on the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail. I saw bluebirds all over the place. We have a total of 18 fledglings (11 BB, 4 CC, 3 TM), 45 BB chicks, and 66 BB eggs (see spreadsheet for details). Below are pictures of chicks in box F2, F20, F47, and eggs in box F49.
Upon arrival, I immediately spotted 2 ruby-throated hummingbirds in the native garden, several bobwhite quail, a flock of black-bellied whistling ducks, a red-shouldered hawk perched on a tree limb, and an American crow.
The most abundant flower today was the black-eyed Susan, which was all along the trail. One of the attached pictures shows them at the base of one of the bluebird boxes. Tim Ohr and Bruce Dangremond will be monitoring the trail in my absence next eek, and your weekly report will come from them. Thanks a lot Tim and Bruce!