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Wanted: Lettuce Lake Park Volunteer Coordinator

Tampa Audubon Society is seeking a Volunteer Coordinator for Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa.

For at least two decades, Tampa Audubon has provided assistance to the managers at Lettuce Lake Park. This park is one of Hillsborough County’s most popular, and one of our members, Joel Jackson, was staff for the park when it was purchased. He was also involved in the development of the park design, including the boardwalk, observation tower, picnic areas, bathrooms and playgrounds. Over the years, the county has done a nice job with management at the Park.

Led by Tampa Audubon’s Ged Caddick, Mike Mullins, and Roger Sheets, Tampa Audubon has assisted by providing volunteer docents who manned the Visitors’ Center during weekend and holiday afternoons. Docents answered questions and provided a presence in the building. Volunteers have found this interaction very rewarding as they interact with parents, children, couples and others interested in learning more about the beautiful natural features they encounter on the walkways and boardwalks, the river, the lake, in the flatwoods and oak woods, bottomlands and swampy areas.

The role of the Lettuce Lake Park Volunteer Coordinator is:

• Work with the county staff to determine needs and opportunities for volunteer participation.

• Schedule Tampa Audubon volunteers to man the Visitor's Center each Saturday, Sunday, and holiday afternoon, when many visitors come to Lettuce Lake.

• Provide basic orientation training to the volunteers so they understand their role and are prepared to respond to questions of members of the public.

• Work on other opportunities to enhance the experience of visitors to the park.

If you'd like to volunteer for this position, please contact Ann Paul at

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