Today was a perfect day to be on the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail. Because of the recent rains, and the threat of rain today, most of the bikers and hikers stayed away and I had the trail pretty much to myself. We're continuing with our good year with 169 fledglings (148 BB, 8 CC, 13 TM), with 6 active boxes left with 10 chicks and 6 eggs, all bluebird. Also attached are pictures of the 3 chicks in box F7 and the 2 chicks in box F15.
In addition to the bluebirds, I saw a great egret, a little blue heron, a red-bellied woodpecker, an eastern towhee, ruby-throated hummingbirds in the native garden, two deer, and a banded water snake swimming across the flooded road at Clay Gully. One of my friends and bluebird sponsors, Tim Ohr, has been seeing lots of bobcats and several coyotes when he rides out to the park early in the morning. The animals are seeking higher ground to get out of the water and are easier to spot.
A lot of the late summer, early autumn plants like the Musky mint (Hyptis alata),goldenrod (Solidago tortifolia) are blooming throughout the park. Above is an American beauty-berry (Callicarpa americana)full of berries, that will soon turn a beautiful magenta color and are a great source of food for birds and other animals, especially during the winter.