By Mary Keith, PhD
Conservation Chair, Tampa Audubon Director, Audubon Florida
OR MAYBE NINE CHEERS, for the nine targeted parks!
The proposals for games and hotels in our state parks have been rescinded, at least for now!!!
This is the message that came from Audubon Florida on Aug 28:
“Governor DeSantis just confirmed that the State Park plans are put on hold and will not be up again for public comment until next year, after they are revisited. Please share the good news far and wide and encourage people to sign up for the Advocate Newsletter to receive updates on this plan and other important environmental work in Florida. Audubon’s FB post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/jtLz6Aq9TLs1mWxh/ “
Special THANK YOU! to everyone on the Conservation Interest List who got the various emails I sent out with updates, information, and requests for emails or to attend the planned meetings, and to anyone who took any other action to help let the state know that we love our natural parks natural!
Just to give you a bit more than the newspaper reports of 175 people outside Honeymoon Island, as of Aug 29, via the Audubon Florida links, 18,000 people filled out the action alert, the Audubon Florida Facebook posts had been shared 850+ times, and their Instagram video had 83,000+ views.
Obviously, a lot more happened, and of course Florida Wildlife Federation, Sierra and many other organizations had their own links and emails going too. But Audubon Florida was one of the first with the announcements.
If you still have the energy, please don’t forget to thank your legislators who spoke out to protect the parks too. They need to hear from us as well, for future votes.