Photo and story by Mic McCarty

Mary Miller recently presented information on Bluebird Trails to TAS. It was a fascinating, informative lecture. If you feel moved to help, you should contact Mary about volunteering or supporting Eastern Bluebirds (e.g. sponsor a nestbox).
There are other ways to help nesting birds. A highly interesting activity is NestWatch. It is a citizens science project from Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
NestWatch is a nationwide monitoring program designed to track status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds, including when nesting occurs, number of eggs laid, how many eggs hatch, and how many hatchlings survive. Participating in NestWatch is easy and just about anyone can do it, although children should always be accompanied by an adult when observing bird nests.
Follow the directions on the NestWatch website to become a certified NestWatcher and find a bird nest. Visit the nest every 3-4 days and record what you see, then report this information on the website. You can also download and use the NestWatch app.
The NestWatch website has a treasure of other resources on birds and nesting. It includes plans for birdboxes, “The Right Bird, Right House,” “Features of a Good Birdhouse,” general information on Nesting Cycle, Landscaping for Nesting Birds, Clutch Size & Phenology for Common Species, Brown-headed Cowbirds, and Myths About Nesting Birds.
Find out more at