Story by Jonathan Hoiles, Photo Club Leader
In April, we’ll start the Photo Club meeting with a 10 to 15 minute presentation on Conservation Photography. Conservation photography is the active use of photography to advocate for protecting the earth and its inhabitants. In other words, it’s nature photography with a mission.
Following this presentation, the group will be given a photo assignment: to develop your own conservation photo story. We will follow up on this photo assignment in October, where participants will have the opportunity to share their conservation photo stories during our meeting.
The remainder of the April Photo Club time is for anyone to share their photos of Florida nature (birds, plants, wildlife, and landscapes). There is no specific theme for this meeting.
To submit your photos, upload them here. Before uploading your photos, rename the photo to include your name in the filename (e.g., SMITH_001.jpg). Upload your photos at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.