By Mic McCarty, Field Trip Coordinator

Learning how to identify birds is a challenge. Fortunately, there are many resources available. Here are some worthy of both the novice and experienced birder.
1. Cornell’s All About Birds Regional Field Guide Series[1]
Content: Covers seven regions, with about 200 birds featured in each, over 700 total.
· A comprehensive 58-page section with tips on birdwatching, photography, gardening, feeding birds, building nest boxes, and more. It includes Birding 101 Introduction, four keys to identifying birds: Size & Shape, Color Pattern, Behavior and Habitat.
· Detailed information on male, female, and immature birds in various plumages.
· Habitat and behavior information along with updated range maps.
2. Sibley’s Birding Basics by David Sibley[2]
Content: An introduction to the basic concepts and tools of bird identification.
· Covers topics like molt, feather wear, shape, structure, and feather patterns.
· Designed to help birders of all levels improve their identification skills.
· Works with any field guide.
3. Kaufman Field Guide to Advanced Birding by Kenn Kaufman[3]
Content: Not just for "advanced" birders.
· Provides a clear and careful overview of bird identification basics, useful for birders at any level.
· Includes chapters on identification skills for groups like herons, egrets, owls, and hawks.
4. Good Birders Don’t Wear White by Lisa White[4]
Content: Offers a mix of serious and tongue-in-cheek tips for birders.
· Basic information for beginners and tips for becoming an expert.
· Unique ideas, such as using a white cloth to attract waterfowl.
· A range of tones keep the reader engaged.
6. All About Birds Bird Academy
· eBird Course: how to use eBird.
· Other Courses: Basics of Bird ID course, normally priced at $59.99 for 3 courses, often on sale. For example, "Understand Bird Behavior" was discounted to $35.99 at the time of writing.
[1] New regional bird guides simplify identification | Cornell Chronicle. (2022, April 28). Cornell Chronicle.
[2] Sibley’s Birding Basics – Sibley Guides. (n.d.).
[3] Advanced birding. (n.d.). KAUFMAN FIELD GUIDES.
[4] Review: Good birders Don’t wear White: 50 tips from North America’s top birders. (n.d.). The Birder’s Library.