By Jim McGinity, FYBC/Florida Avian Conservation
Last month, young birders checked out Circle B Bar Reserve in Lakeland. The outing was lead by Charles Law, an FYBC Advisory Panel member who lives in Lakeland. It was a windy morning, but we saw a good number of birds, including some of the wading birds that were in breeding plumage.
We struck out on the Painted Bunting, but we did see a juvenile Purple Gallinule. After the walk, we walked around Lake Morton (home of the swans). It allowed us to get very close looks at Wood Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks and even a female Redhead.
Our March outing will be to Weedon Island Preserve over in Pinellas County. We hope to see a lot of wading birds and maybe even an early Mangrove Cuckoo.
The club is continuing to grow and is attracting new members through our Instagram and Youtube channels. If you would like to help with the effort, donations are welcome through the FOS website, and the group could use assistance with a variety of tasks/projects. Contact Jim McGinity at: