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Florida Young Birders Club October Update

By Jim McGinity, FYBC

FYBC is starting monthly activities this fall. We had our first outing in September with a really good turnout at John Chestnut Park. The second outing was to visit the bird banding demonstration in Hammock Park. Four FYBC members attended, coming from Plant City, Orlando, Sarasota and Palm Harbor. Other kids came and were introduced to the club. The next outing will be to Starkey Park on Sunday, Nov. 18.

We also participated in Global Big Day on Oct. 14. We had 7 young birders from around the state submit checklists and attend the zoom.

In addition to the Tampa chapter’s activities, the combined state-wide programming is in full swing! The monthly Jay Chats started in September with one on Burrowing Owls by Zach Holmes. The one for October was October 21 by Natasza Fontaine. These zoom programs are at 4 pm and are open to interested adults as well as young birders.

I am also working with the other mentor, Kathy Rigling, Orange Audubon, to plan a weekend birding trip for the club to Tall Timbers Research Station. With some donations from supporting Audubon chapters, private donations, and support by Tall Timbers, we are working to make the trip as affordable as possible. We hope to have at least 10 - 12 young birders in attendance. The trip is scheduled over the MLK holiday weekend in January.

I really appreciate the support by Tampa Audubon, especially being allowed to use the chapter Zoom account for our monthly advisory panel meetings and Jay Chat programs!

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