Presented by Dr. Paul Gray, Science Coordinator
Audubon Florida - Everglades Restoration Program

Wednesday, July 17, 6 pm
Tampa Garden Club
2629 Bayshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33629
6 pm: Potluck (Bring a dish to share)
7 pm: Announcements
7:30 pm Program
Registration not required; everyone is welcome to attend.
Join any time; registration not required.
Joint Meeting with:
Tampa Audubon Society
Suncoast Native Plant Society
Tampa Group – Sierra Club

Dr. Gray will outline the water, land, and bird management issues connected with restoration of the Florida Everglades, including the Kissimmee River and Lake Okeechobee. He will describe the work of conservation organizations, including Audubon Florida, working in concert with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District. We will hear where we are and what the future holds for our nation’s largest wetland system.
Photo Credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife