From Wild Birds Unlimited, Tampa
How do we define feasting?
Its basic meaning describes the consumption of an elaborate meal, often accompanied by entertainment, which takes place to mark a special event.
Sure sounds like Thanksgiving, right?
Thanksgiving, for many of us, is a day when we settle down to an impeccable table, often decked out with china, to partake in a feast of the best and most abundant food of the season, while sharing it with our closest friends and family.
The entertainment side of the definition may include engaging in games, puzzles, going for a hike, or watching football and movies together. For some, the family entertainment may include watching and sharing the activity at their backyard bird feeders.
If this is part of your day, why not treat your birds like family and include them as part of your feast?
Needless to say, their “table” should be impeccable, too…clean feeders, fresh water and the best food offerings available.
The menu might begin with your foundational offering of a quality seed blend and suet. To add to the feast, consider including peanuts or mealworms. With a feast like this…your birds are sure to provide some of the best entertainment of the day.
Oh, and don’t forget to include a cup of shade-grown, bird-friendly coffee as you indulge in that wonderful piece of pumpkin pie. It’s a great way to say thank you to your birds, as shade-grown coffee farms preserve the forest canopy, which helps more than 42 species of North American migratory songbirds survive their winter in the tropics.
Helping your birds and feasting, too. It just doesn’t get much better than that!