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Bluebird Trail Workday at Balm Boyette Scrub Nature Preserve

The Balm Boyette Scrub Nature Preserve in Wimauma, Florida has the perfect habitat for bluebirds, and Tampa Audubon Society (TAS) member Sandy Reed has been monitoring the bluebird trail there for several years. Recently, at Sandy’s request, Steve Rickert readily volunteered to become the new bluebird trail monitor.

On a beautiful winter day, Steve -- accompanied by Conservation & Environmental Lands Management Department (CELM) Program Coordinator Chris Kiddy; TAS volunteers Bruce Dangremond, Sherry Keller, Mary Miller, and Tim Ohr -- spent the day repairing and replacing bluebird boxes and getting the bluebird trail ready for the upcoming March bluebird nesting season.

Shown below:

Chris Kiddy, CELM Program Coordinator, pounding a post into the sand

Bruce Dangremond and Tim Ohr pounding a post into the sand

Bruce, Steve Rickert and Sherry Keller at the "mobile workshop"

Sherry and Steve attaching a nest box to a post


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