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Bluebird Trail Updates - July 15, 2024

Below are the 7-15-2024 updates of the following BB Trails:

Eastern Bluebird in Valrico. ©Tiffani Long

Flatwoods Park: 21 eggs, 12 chicks (all BB), 175 fledglings (146 BB, 23 CC, 6 TM)

Hunter's Green Park: 4 eggs, 4 chicks (all BB), 45 fledglings (39 BB, 9 CC)

Lake Park: 25 eggs, 5 chicks (all BB), 98 fledglings (81 BB, 7 CW, 10 TM)

Lettuce Lake Park: 7 Evening Bats, 5 fledglings (2 CC, 3 TM)

Lithia Springs Park: 3 eggs,  10 fledglings (all BB)

MacDill AFB: 5 eggs, 13 chicks, 10 fledglings (all BB)

Sargeant's Park: 4 fledglings (2 BB, 2 CC)

It was a very humid day on the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail. We have a total of 21 eggs, 12 chicks (all BB), 175 fledglings (146 BB, 23 CC, 6 TM). The lakes and wetlands continue filling up with rainwater again after a week of pretty good rainfall.

We saw 16 species of birds - Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Wood Ducks, Wild Turkey, Common Ground Doves, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Red-bellied Woodpecker, American Crow, Tufted Titmouse, Eastern Bluebird, Bachman's Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Cardinal, Mourning Dove, Turkey Vulture, White-eyed Vireo.   

Sherry and I both commented that the birds were really quiet today, not as much activity as previous weeks.  Both lakes we checked on were void of their normal visitors, other than our resident Alligator.  We did see one Yellow-bellied Slider turtle crossing the trail so Sherry moved him into the grass so he would not get hurt.  He didn't want to photographed, kept his head and feet tucked in....

We did see the Partridge pea plant (Chamaecrista fasciculata), host plant for the sulphur butterflies.

Submitted by: Roxie Custalow & Sherry Keller


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