Below are the weekly reports for the five Bluebird Trails:
Balm-Boyette Preserve: One Carolina chickadee nest with 5 eggs.
Lake Park: 15 nests (11BB, 3 CC, 1 CW), 38 eggs (31 BB, 7 CC).
Lettuce Lake Park: One bluebird nest with 5 eggs, and one Carolina chickadee nest with 6 eggs.
Sargeant's Park: One bluebird nest with 5 chicks! Our first chicks of the season!
Flatwoods: 31 nests (23 BB, 7 CC, 1 TM), with 52 eggs (28 BB, 18 CC, 6 TM). See attached spreadsheet for details.

We had another great day on the Flatwoods Bluebird Trail. We were sad to find 2 boxes with missing chicks: box F28 has one egg left and box F45 had all 4 eggs missing. There was no obvious sign of predation by snakes or raccoons, so I don't have an explanation. Chances are, both boxes will be nested in again soon. I also want to note that last week I reported that box F39 had a BB nest, but it was box F40 instead. Sorry for the mistake. We also have another box where a bat has moved into an unoccupied CC nest. The bats are loving our boxes this year.

We had another great birding day and saw wild turkeys, ground and mourning doves, great blue and immature little blue herons, a great egret, a white ibis, turkey vultures, red-shouldered hawks, red-bellied and downy woodpeckers, white-eyed vireos, blue jays, Carolina chickadees, tufted titmice, a house wren, Carolina wrens, a black-and-white warbler, northern parula, palm warblers, northern cardinals, and an ovenbird.

In one of the drainage areas, we spotted a Florida water snake, aka Banded water snake.

The one little wildflower that's not very showy, but is everywhere at the park, is Southern Fleabane (Erigeron quercifolius). We also spotted some Butterweeds (Senecio glabellus) in a wetland area.
