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Bluebird Trail Report 8/9/22

Below are the Weekly Reports for the Bluebird Trails at the following Parks:

  • Balm Boyette Preserve: 8 fledglings (5 CC, 3 TM)

  • Lake Park: 90 fledglings (81 BB, 3 CC, 6 CW), 3 BB chicks

  • Lettuce Lake Park: 7 fledglings (5 BB, 2 CC)

  • Hunter's Green Park: 24 BB fledglings, 4 BB chicks

  • Sargeant's Park: 5 BB fledglings

  • Flatwoods Park: 166 fledglings (145 BB, 18 CC, 3 TM), and only 3 BB eggs remaining. See attached spreadsheet for details.

Even though most of the Bluebird boxes are empty, the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail was still very busy today. Sherry and I spent time remodeling the predator guard on box F41, eliminating the 1/2 mesh that the snakes get caught on, and instead putting a double layer of 1/4 inch mesh that should provide a better barrier to the snakes, while at the same time not harming them. I've attached a few pictures.

We were delighted to see so many bluebird fledglings foraging with their parents today. In addition to the Bluebirds, we saw a Ruby-throated Hummingbird, a Barn Swallow, a Yellow-throated Warbler, Mourning and Ground Doves, a Northern Cardinal, a Wood duck, Great and Little Blue Herons (one of them a Calico), a Great Egret, Fish Crows, White-eyed Vireos, Eastern Towhees, Red-shouldered Hawks, Carolina Wrens, and Tufted Titmice. We also saw a white-tailed Deer, an Alligator, and a Marsh Rabbit.

We have lots of Beauty-Berries (Callicarpa americana) in Flatwoods Park and their berries are beginning to turn their beautiful magenta color. Also, the Starry Rosinweed (Siliphium asteriscus) is in full bloom in the Native Garden. (Photos of highlighted wildlife and plants are in the Flatwoods Park Photos Attachment).



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