It was an overcast day on the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail, which made it not quite so hot. We have our first 3rd nesting, in box F36, and we have a total of 128 fledglings (117 BB, 7 CC, 4 TM), with 40 chicks and 18 eggs, all bluebird. See attached spreadsheet for details. Also attached are bluebird chicks in boxes F10, F16, & F17.
It was a wonderful birding day and I saw a ruby-throated hummingbird, turkey and black vultures, a northern parula, mourning doves, male summer tanager, red-shouldered hawk, common nighthawk, 5 wood ducks, 3 black-bellied whistling ducks, American crows, two ospreys (one carrying a fish), a wood stork, great blue, little blue, and tri-colored herons, and an eastern towhee (attached are Sherry Keller's photos of the tri-colored heron and the eastern towhee). I also saw a gopher tortoise and a rabbit. I am sending one last picture of a bird I've never seen sent to me by Irwin Schuster. Let me know if you've ever seen it LOL
Attached are pictures of a ground creeper called a Piedmont primrose (Ludwigia arcuata), and yellow Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) with white False Hoarhound (Eupatorium rotundifolium) growing below.