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Bluebird Trail Report 7/6/2020

It was an overcast day on the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail, which made it not quite so hot. We have our first 3rd nesting, in box F36, and we have a total of 128 fledglings (117 BB, 7 CC, 4 TM), with 40 chicks and 18 eggs, all bluebird. See attached spreadsheet for details. Also attached are bluebird chicks in boxes F10, F16, & F17.

It was a wonderful birding day and I saw a ruby-throated hummingbird, turkey and black vultures, a northern parula, mourning doves, male summer tanager, red-shouldered hawk, common nighthawk, 5 wood ducks, 3 black-bellied whistling ducks, American crows, two ospreys (one carrying a fish), a wood stork, great blue, little blue, and tri-colored herons, and an eastern towhee (attached are Sherry Keller's photos of the tri-colored heron and the eastern towhee). I also saw a gopher tortoise and a rabbit. I am sending one last picture of a bird I've never seen sent to me by Irwin Schuster. Let me know if you've ever seen it LOL

Attached are pictures of a ground creeper called a Piedmont primrose (Ludwigia arcuata), and yellow Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) with white False Hoarhound (Eupatorium rotundifolium) growing below.

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