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Bluebird Trail Report 6/10/19

Today I began monitoring earlier than last week, and because of the rains, it was much cooler on the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail today. We have a total of 111 fledglings (104 BB, 4 CC, 3 TM), with 22 chicks and 38 eggs, all bluebird. See attached spreadsheet for details. I was delighted to see 4 new bluebird eggs in box F15, because last week the 4 eggs from the week before were missing. So the mother, built a new nest and laid 4 new eggs in one week. I've also included pictures of the 4 chicks in F21, the 3 chicks in F35, and the 5 chicks in F48.

The birds were liking the cooler weather and I saw a ruby-throated hummingbird in the native garden (the rangers tell me there are 2 females and one male feeding on the native firebush everyday), bobwhite quail, fish crows, an anhinga, a woodstork, wood ducks, cardinals, and a wild turkey.

The plants are also loving the rain and I've attached a picture of the rain lilies (Zephyranthes atamasco) in our native garden, that lie dormant until it rains and then their flowers seem to appear out of nowhere. Also attached are pictures of pineland heliotrope (Heliotropium polyphyllum), Phoebantus (Phoebanthus grandiflora) and a scarlet hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus), blooming in my pond at home.

Our spy-cam box F1, has had no occupants for the second year in a row, so my husband John, and Ranger Clint Perigard moved the box and the solar panels that charge the batteries, hoping that some bluebirds would like the new location (picture attached). I would be surprised if bluebirds build a nest in there this year, but hopefully they will check it out and nest in there in 2020. Thanks John and Clint!


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