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Bluebird Trail Report 5/2/22

Below are the Weekly Reports for 5-2-2022 for the following Bluebird Trails:

  • Balm-Boyette Preserve: 5 CC fledglings.

  • Hunter's Green Park: 2 second nestings (1 BB, 1 TM), and 9 BB fledglings.

  • Lake Park: 14 nests (12 BB, 2 CW), 24 eggs ( 21 BB, 3 CW), 15 chicks (10 BB, 5 CW), 24 fledglings (21 BB, 3 CC).

  • Lettuce Lake Park: one CC nest with 4 eggs, and 5 BB fledglings.

  • Sargeant's Park: One BB nest with 5 eggs, and 5 BB fledglings.

  • Flatwoods Park: 37 total fledglings (19 BB, 15 CC, 3 TM), 21 BB eggs, and 53 chicks (50 BB, 3 CC). See attached spreadsheet for details.

The Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail was very active today and we had a lot of new fledglings. By next week we should have some BBs beginning their second nests in their boxes. We still have bats in 2 of our boxes.

Despite the recent really heavy rains in the park, we didn't see many water birds today, but we did see a Great Egret and 2 Common Gallinules. We were so excited to see the male Summer Tanager again. In addition we saw White-eyed Vireos, Brown Thrashers, lots of Bobwhite Quail, Eastern Towhees, Great Crested Flycatchers, Northern mockingbirds, an American Crow, a Black Vulture, and a Carolina Wren. Just as I was leaving the park I spotted a Florida Box Turtle crossing the road.

The Starry Rosinweed (Silphium compositum) in our Native Garden has beautiful yellow flowers and will bloom all summer and fall. A new plant along our trail that's beginning to bloom is the False Hoarhound (Eupatorium rotundafolium).



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