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Bluebird Trail Report 5/16/22

Below are the Weekly Reports for the following Bluebird Trails:

  • Balm-Boyette Preserve: 5 CC fledglings

  • Hunter's Green Park: 9 BB fledglings, 10 BB eggs

  • Lake Park: 34 fledglings (31 BB, 3 CC), 23 BB eggs, 10 chicks (7BB, 3 CW)

  • Lettuce Lake Park: 5 BB fledglings, 1 BB egg, 2 CC chicks

  • Sargeant's Park: 5 BB fledglings, 5 BB eggs

  • Flatwoods Park: 78 fledglings (57 BB, 18 CC, 3 TM), 26 BB chicks, and 16 BB eggs. See attached spreadsheet for details.

It was typical summertime weather on the Flatwoods Bluebird Trail today--cool in the early morning and hot by noon. We have more fledglings today, and several second nestings, indicated by a darker line on the spreadsheet. This means that the box has successfully fledged chicks and the parents are nesting again. Just as I arrived at the park this morning, I saw Sandhill Cranes that nest in the park.

Other birds were calling all over the park. The Bobwhite Quail was especially active, as were the Great Crested Flycatchers, Eastern Towhees, Northern Mockingbirds, Brown Thrashers, Pileated Woodpeckers, and White-eyed Vireos. We also saw Ground and Mourning Doves, an immature Little Blue Heron, Black Vultures, Red-shouldered Hawks, and two families of Wild turkeys. Also of interest was a Rainbox Scarab, and a Gopher Tortoise.

Wild Turkeys and their poults

Rainbow Scarab Beetle

It's been pretty dry lately, but the Mock Bishop's Weed (Ptilimnium capillaceum) is beginning to bloom along the moist areas, as is the Marsh-Pink (Sabatia grandiflora).



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