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Bluebird Trail Report 3/16/2020

It was another good day on the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail. We have a total of 18 nests (11 BB, 6 CC, 1 TM), 11 eggs (7 CC, 4 TM). See attached spreadsheet for details. Also attached are pictures of the Tufted Titmouse nest in box F23 with 4 eggs, and the Carolina chickadee nest in Box F31 with 6 eggs. Notice that the titmouse and chickadee eggs look very similar and that is because the two birds are cousins in the bird world. If you saw the eggs side by side, you would notice that the chickadee eggs are smaller, as is the bird.

I saw lots of bluebirds today as they were bringing in nesting material, checking out boxes, etc. In addition, I saw a phoebe, mourning doves, blue-gray gnatcatchers, red-shouldered hawks, black and turkey vultures, bluejays, mockingbirds, downy and red-bellied woodpeckers, belted kingfisher, flocks of palm warblers, tufted titmouse, anhinga, wood stork, Eastern towhees, and a deer.

I've attached pictures of a couple of new plants in bloom, like the Thistle (Cirsium horridulum), which the bees and butterflies love, and a Blue Flag Iris (I. virginica), growing in the wetlands. I've also attached a picture of our new Native Plant Garden sign that was just installed in our native garden in front of the ranger station. Thanks to Head Ranger Rodney Petty for having it made and to Ranger Clint Perigard for installing it!


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