By Mary Miller, Bluebird Box Coordinator
Below are the 8-5-2024 updates of the following BB Trails:
Flatwoods Park: 187 fledglings (158 BB, 23 CC, 6 TM)
Hunter's Green Park: 51 fledglings (41 BB, 9 CC)
Lake Park: 109 fledglings (92 BB, 7 CW, 10 TM) (not the final count)
Lettuce Lake Park: 5 fledglings (2CC, 3 TM)
Lithia Springs Park: 10 BB fledglings
MacDill AFB: 10 BB fledglings (not the final count)
Sargeant's Park: 4 fledglings (2 BB, 2 CC)
(Lake Park and MacDill AFB still have a few active nests so I will add in their final numbers when their seasons are over.)
Our 2024 BB nesting season is over at Flatwoods Park, and it was a great year! We ended the season with 187 fledglings (158 BB, 23 CC, 6 TM).
The chicks in two of our last three BB boxes fledged, but the third ones did not. Considering the fact that we had a hurricane yesterday, I'm surprised that any of the last chicks made it! The only living things in our boxes today were 5 Evening Bats in box F52.
Flatwoods was like water world today, with many of the side roads underwater. That's why I couldn't check on some of our boxes, because I was afraid my car would get stuck. I have never seen Clay Gully under so much water!
The park was pretty quiet today, and I only saw a few birds, including immature and adult Little Blue Herons, a Red-shouldered Hawk, and an Eastern Towhee. I did see some beautiful butterflies--a Zebra Swallowtail, a Gulf Fritillary, and a Cloudless Sulphur.
With the help of our Native Plant experts Tina Patterson, Steve Dickman, and Merrilee Wallbrunn, I am able to identify a lot of plants, like the 2 plants that are making their appearance now with either flowers or berries. The Walter's Viburnum (Viburnum obovatum has beautiful orange/red berries. and many varieties of Goldenrod(Solidago spp.) are in full bloom throughout the park. Flatwoods Park is a wonderful habitat for wildlife by providing shelter and food that the wildlife depend upon, particularly in the winter time.
In summary, the success of these seven trails this year is due in large part to the following people. Thanks to:
Bluebird Trail Monitors Joni Hartzler and Gary Krotz (Lake Park), Nancy Eydmann and Carolyn Persad , who began a new trail at Lithia Springs Park and had a successful beginning, Sherry Keller (Lettuce Lake Park), Patricia O'Brien-Giglia (Hunter's Green Park), Roxie Custalow (Sargeant's Park), and Lynn Mitchell and Mic McCarty (MacDill AFB).
Scott Radford, Joni Hartzler and Gary Krotz, and all our other wonderful sponsors and donors for supporting this project and providing the funds to keep the trails in good shape.
Sherry Keller and Roxie Custalow, who are excellent photographers and wonderful teammates at Flatwoods Park with me.
All the other photographers, including Irwin Schuster, George Veazey, Nedda Honig, Sally Recchia, Mike Fite, Dale Goebel, John Miller, and Clint Perigard, who have contributed photos that I can use whenever I want.
The Flatwoods Park staff, especially Senior Park Manager Rodney Petty, and all the Rangers who are very protective of the bluebirds and all other wildlife at Flatwoods Park and are always willing to help at a moment's notice.
My loyal volunteers, in addition to Sherry and Roxie, are Irwin Schuster, Mike Keller, Janet Amendola, and Clint Perigard, who are ready to help keep the trail in good shape for the birds.
Last, but not least, is my husband, John, who always lends a hand when I need it!
I am already preparing for the 2025 nesting season, and in January, I will notify Tampa Audubon Society members and all past sponsors to let them know it's time to sign up again for 2025. Thanks again for your support and I'll look forward to hearing from you again next year!