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Field Trip Bird Sightings - May & June

Lake Dan Nature Preserve - May 7

Six of us enjoyed a glorious spring morning walk to Lake Dan and back. Highlights were a dark morph Short-tailed Hawk and a Black Skimmer, followed by Eastern Meadowlarks in third place out of 58 species. The complete list is here.

Lettuce Lake Park

May 13

Birders visited one of our area's favorite birding hotspots, Lettuce Lake Park, May 13. See the list here!

Jefferson Equestrian Park - May 27

We couldn’t have asked for a better morning: 65 degrees, low humidity and clear skies. We enjoyed a male Northern Parula singing at the top of a nearby tree, in the sun, not moving for several minutes, just singing, it was truly a moment to appreciate the joy of birding.

A Yellow-throated Vireo and a Summer Tanager serenaded us while we walked through their territory. We all saw a bird flying in the distance but couldn’t figure out the identity because of the morning light; several thought it reminded them of a goose, but we didn’t think that was a possibility. A photo proved them right: it was a Canada Goose! We had many views of Swallow-tailed Kites, but for some reason, we also wanted to see a Bald Eagle. Only as we walked back to our vehicles did we see an adult Bald Eagle! The full list is here.

Bell Creek Preserve - June 11

The group started its walk early and got a nice selection of species. A Red-shouldered Hawk looked at us while we took its photo from 100 feet away. We watched a family of Eastern Bluebirds feeding in the field, and we were surprised by a male Indian Peafowl, aka Peacock, wandering in the underbrush beside the red trail. The complete list is here.

By Lilian Saul, Field Trip Leader


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