It's time to announce our 2023/2024 Speaker Schedule
It’s happening again, and we're noticing the changes. The Swallow-tailed Kites are leaving our area. Having raised their young, they're staging in South Florida before long migrations to Argentina’s pampas habitats. The first Belted Kingfishers are appearing - done with raising fledglings further north, they are coming to spend the winter along our creeks, rivers, and baysides. Black Terns are moving through, congregating along the causeways of the Courtney Campbell and Gandy. Cardinals and Carolina Chickadees are feeding their last fledges of the season at Lettuce Lake Conservation Park and in our neighborhood habitats.
And so summer moves along, and the fall in Florida approaches. It’s a subtle change. And we are getting ready for Tampa Audubon Membership Meetings and Field Trips, and other activities to engage you and share together.
Our Speaker Series this year is very exciting, and we invite you to mark your calendars today – do it now so that you don’t miss any! Note that we meet sometimes at the Tampa Garden Club and sometimes at the UF County Extension Office in Seffner.
This is our effort to reach more members, as our Tampa Audubon Society area is so large. We hope you’ll take advantage of our programs and learn about the various topics while sharing time with us.
Thanks so much for being a member of Tampa Audubon! Welcome aboard for a great ride! Aren’t we gonna have fun!
Tampa Audubon Society Membership Meeting Speakers 2023-2024
Typical Meeting Schedule
6 pm - Photo Club Meeting
7 pm - Potluck - Bring a dish to share!
7:30 pm - Announcements and programs
September 7 – Kenny Coogan, Carnivorous Plant Society, Florida’s Carnivorous Plants, Tampa Garden Club
October 5 – Jim McGinity, Florida Young Birders’ Club, Extension office
November 5 – Fairl Thomas, Florida State Parks, Pesticides and Owl Predators, Tampa Garden Club
December 7 – Dr. Thomas Wahl, University of Central Florida, Climate Change and Coastal Risks, Extension office
January 4 – Dr. Randy Runnels, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Aquatic Preserves in Tampa Bay and Pinellas County, Tampa Garden Club
February 1 – Audrey DeRose-Wilson, Audubon Florida, Scrub-Jay Conservation, Extension office
March 7 – David Goodwin, Florida Ornithological Society, Caracaras, Extension office
April 4 – Holley Short, Audubon Florida, Beach-nesting Bird Conservation, Extension office
May 2 – Christopher Kiahtipes, University of South Florida Library, The Florida Environment and Natural History Collections, Tampa Garden Club