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Bluebird Trail Report 7-30-2019

It is like water world again today on the Flatwoods Park Bluebird Trail. John and I are back from our vacation to Alaska and were told that it rained in Tampa the whole time we were gone. Looking at the picture of Clay Gully underwater, you can believe it!??

"Water world" again today on the Flatwoods Park Trail at Clay Gully

We have a total of 171 fledglings (164 BB, 4 CC, 3 TM), with an additional 7 chicks and 12 eggs remaining. See attached spreadsheet for details. It has been a very good year for the bluebirds and we're nearing the end of our nesting season with only 4 active nests remaining. Thanks to Bruce Dangremond and Tim Ohr for monitoring the boxes in my absence. They did a wonderful job of keeping everything on track.

Tim helped me again today, and at 7 am when we arrived, there must have been 10 - 12 ruby-throated hummingbirds feeding on the native garden firebush. It was quite a spectacle! We also saw young quail, a flock of ground doves, black vultures, and deer.

Fragrant Eryngium (Eryngium aromaticum) in bloom

I've attached a picture of some Fragrant Eryngium (Eryngium aromaticum) we saw in bloom.

While I was gone, one of our great Audubon photographers, George Veazey, shot some pictures of our bluebird parents bringing food to the chicks in box F4. I've attached a couple of those pictures. Thank you George!


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